
plain and simple.

spotlight on: Malone.

i hung out with Loris and Maita today. while we were making tambay at the ACB lobby, this guy just happened to pass by. for some reason, he caught our attention. we liked how he looked.
what do you think?
his name's Malone and he's a freshman. 
it's not the outfit per se that made him stand out. there's obviously nothing special about it. in fact, it's pretty darn simple. but i guess that's what we liked about his look. it's easy and straightforward. there are no nonsense frills. a perfect example of uncomplicated style.
and with that blatant simplicity, he still managed to look sleek. let's give him and his skinny tie a round of applause, please.

glasses: Oakley
shirt: unknown
tie: Topman
pants: Topman
shoes: Hush Puppies


MAiTA. said...

malone stood up from the sea of black and white. hahahaha. drama effect.

sleekandsuperficial said...

haha! i remember how he was shocked when Loris approached him.